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Sat, Aug 27


12425 Sunset Dr

Welcome Back to School Picnic!

Join us for a fun-filled Archimedean family picnic! We will have food for sale, music, entertainment, and fun for the kids.

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Welcome Back to School Picnic!
Welcome Back to School Picnic!

Time & Location

Aug 27, 2022, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

12425 Sunset Dr, 12425 Sunset Dr, Miami, FL 33183, USA


About the Event

This is a great event for AA scholars and their families to come together. We will have entertainment for the kids. We encourage you to bring your own chairs, and games such as soccer balls, frisbees, etc. The AA PTO will also sell hotdogs, chips, and snacks as a fundraiser and optional convenience for families. Please RSVP to help us better prepare for this event. Also, be mindful of our limited parking - consider carpooling or taking an uber. Thank you!!

If you'd like to volunteer please sign up here -

We look forward to seeing you and your family there.

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